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Help local businesses maintain jobs and achieve social value through your procurement activities
How CCS can help you support your local supply chain

Decontaminating your organisation – response to coronavirus
To help with your additional cleaning needs during the current coronavirus pandemic, our new Building Cleaning Services dynamic purchasing system (DPS) provides access to a range of cleaning services

The importance of maintaining good procurement practice
The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak presents an urgent and unique challenge for both commercial and non-commercial colleagues across the public and third sector.

Managing your health workforce: the importance of staying on framework
It’s important that NHS trusts continue to use NHS England and NHS Improvement approved frameworks during the current coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak for all their temporary staffing needs.

CCS aggregation helps 5 customers make big savings of almost £497,000 on IT Hardware
Our latest IT hardware aggregation brought together the requirements of 5 fire and rescue service customers, helping them to achieve average savings of 30%.