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News and blogs 26th April 2021

CCS supports SAFERjobs

Crown Commercial Service is a proud partner of SAFERjobs, helping protect job seekers and agency staff from exploitation.

Diverse range of headshots of people of all ages, races and genders

News and blogs 23rd April 2021

Face-to-face research: guidance for the safe use of viewing facilities

With face-to-face research becoming viable once again, here's some guidance on how to ensure you get great outcomes as safely as possible.

Group of people sitting round a table

News and blogs 23rd April 2021

G-Cloud 12 framework extension

G-Cloud 12 extended to 27 September 2022

Cloud security

News and blogs 19th April 2021

Crown Commercial Service announces a 3 year Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Microsoft UK

We are pleased to announce that we have negotiated the next iteration of a 3 year MoU with Microsoft UK, to enable public sector organisations to continue to achieve better value for money.