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How your buying decisions have the power to help put an end to modern slavery – Procurement Essentials
Stamping out modern slavery in supply chains is one of the UK government’s top priorities, as a public sector buyer, your decisions have the power to help eradicate it

CCS provides a further £2 million of funding to enable the continued development of the Contract Management Pioneer Programme to support local government
CCS is continuing to boost commercial capability across local government by providing further investment in the contract management pioneer programme.

Customer newsletter for October
Every month our customer newsletter features the latest news, events and aggregation opportunities.
Our new ‘sustainable’ technology products and services agreement launched
Crown Commercial Service (CCS) has awarded a new end-to-end agreement for technology products and services - with a dedicated lot for procuring and managing IT in a more sustainable way.

Changes to our agreements in September
A brief summary of the CCS agreements that expired, extended, or were awarded in September 2023.