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Special educational needs school saves over £53,000 on cleaning contract
Find out how Chiltern Wood School achieved value for money by using our Building Cleaning Services Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) to replace its cleaning contract.

Ministry of Justice saves £500,000 with our Payment Solutions framework
Learn how greater use of virtual procurement cards saved time and money for the Ministry of Justice.

Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunal Service (HMCTS) implement extra cleaning measures amid the pandemic, to allow vital work to continue
HMCTS contract hundreds of extra cleaning staff to carry out enhanced cleaning services and ensure their locations are COVID-secure for staff and visitors

How our Technology Products and Associated Services framework helped Defra improve brand awareness
Discover how we helped the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) find the right software to improve their social media strategy and performance.

Procurement card solution delivers greater efficiency for Walsall Council
In this case study we explore how using our Payment Solutions commercial agreement led to greater efficiencies for Walsall Council.