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NHSX pick Non Clinical Temporary and Fixed Term Staff framework to help them find a digital recruitment partner
In this case study we explain how a new department with no experience of recruiting contractors used the Non Clinical Temporary and Fixed Term Staff framework to help them fulfil their vision.

Unique cleanroom laundry solutions for the health sector
Our Linen and Laundry framework launched earlier this year and includes a ‘lot’ dedicated to cleanroom laundry solutions.

Building for the future: 5 good reasons why we should be thinking “modular first”
Our procurement experts share the advantages for both purchaser and end user of modular buildings and the benefits of Modern Methods of Construction (MMC)

Invisible Disabilities Week – my experience of hearing loss
Andrea Boyland, a CCS Central Government Account Manager, writes about her experiences of hearing loss as part of Invisible Disabilities Week.

Reduce the impact of COVID-19 on employee health and wellbeing
Bethan Flynn, Commercial Agreement Manager, Occupational Health and Employee Assistance Programmes sets out 3 vital areas you need to consider to safeguard the health and wellbeing of your workforce.