This closed framework, let under the Procurement Act 2023, gives public sector organisations access to a wide range of services to help you manage your estate. Includes total estate management and surveying and strategic advice services.
03/12/2024: Find updated dates in the timeline section.
01 October 2024
Following the
ministerial statement informing Parliament that the Cabinet Office has decided to delay the new procurement regulations from the end of October until 24 February 2025, the CCS Transforming Public Procurement (TPP) team is working to understand the full implications of the ministerial decision for CCS.
A new invitation to tender (ITT) publication date for RM6343 Estate Management Services (EMS 2) will be announced in due course.
Please reach out to the EMS team for any questions.
This agreement will replace our current RM6168 Estate Management Service.
You will be able to access a wider scope of services over 7 lots which are designed to:
- provide you with a more strategic, all inclusive approach to property management
- combine traditional estate management services with the latest innovations and technology
Services will include:
- total estate management
- estate (property) management
- agency and lease management
- surveying and strategic advice
- valuation and compulsory purchase orders
- business rating services
- integrated workplace management
- all suppliers on lots 1 to 6 are RICS (Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors) qualified
- option to buy through either further competition and direct award
- no contract value threshold with either further competition or direct award
- no specified term of contract length for Call Off’s
- provides a single solution to the day to day management of departments estate and services
Product types
Total Estate Management
Buy total estate management services including:
- estate, asset and property management
- treasury services
- vacant property management
- moveable equipment asset management
- estate management support services
Agency and lease management
Buy total agency and lease management services including (but not limited to):
- acquisition of land, freehold or leasehold property (includes letting or other commercial arrangements)
- pre-acquisition survey or more detailed technical due diligence inspection and report for freehold or leasehold properties
- acquisition outline feasibility study services
- rent reviews
- lease breaks and lease expiry services
- disposal of land, freehold and leasehold property services (includes sale, transfer, licence, lease or other disposition of any property by any person)
- lease consent services
- vertical real estate
- Building Information Modelling (BIM)
- Government Soft Landings (GSL)
Studies and surveys
Buy studies and surveys services including:
- development surveys, studies and strategy
- technology based surveys, studies and strategy
- environment surveys, studies and strategy
- dilapidations surveys, studies and strategy
- estate surveys, studies and strategy
- estate procurement managed services
- Valuation and Compulsory Purchase Orders (CPO)
- a CPO is a legal mechanism where authorities (known as 'acquiring authorities') can get or 'acquire' land without the consent of the owner
- compulsory purchase powers can support a range of development, regeneration and infrastructure projects in the public interest
Business rating services
Buy business rating services include:
- general administration management
- full payment management
- rating app
- rating relief
- rating audits
Integrated Workplace Management
Buy integrated workplace management services including:
- a support operational and strategic workplace management system designed to meet your needs
- the system will provide the needed IT systems such as: application, hosting, implementation, training, support and security
- help desk facilities: suppliers will provide a help desk facility which will be the single point of contact for all services users in relation Workplace, property and FM related service requests
- performance management, analysis and reporting services
- innovation, technology and data services
- additional services
Customer engagement
We recently held buyer and supplier webinars to update you on the progress of the new estate management services commercial agreement. We held a question and answer session at the end of each webinar.
You can find a recording of the webinar and question and answer sessions here.
We will be reaching out to buyers and organising a number of workshops which will take place from April 2024 onwards.
Supplier engagement
We recently held buyer and supplier webinars to update you on the progress of the new estate management services commercial agreement.
You can find a recording of the webinar and both question and answer sessions here.
We will also be reaching out to suppliers and organising one to one sessions which will take place from April 2024 onwards.
Important links
Read PIN |
Not available yet |
Not available yet |
Pre-market engagement |
August 2023 |
Drafting of procurement documents |
1 February 2025 |
Publication of FTS |
31 March 2025 |
Framework award |
1 October 2025 |