Back Office Software 2

This framework, let under the Public Contract Regulations 2015, gives all public sector organisations access to Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions for back office applications, for deploying either in the cloud, on premise or hybrid.


Back Office Software 2 (BOS2) replaces RM6194 Back Office Software. This agreement will support back office functions, including:

  • enterprise resource planning (ERP), also known as business management, and business planning software
  • human capital management (HCM), also known as people resource management
  • customer relationship management (CRM)
  • finance systems
  • procurement and sourcing portals
  • workflow technologies
  • content management

You can also buy associated services at the same time as your software including:

  • installation, implementation and configuration of software
  • consultancy for a range of services including application design, systems architecture and data migration
  • service desk
  • cloud, on-premise or hybrid solutions
  • data handling and validation
  • integration


  • a simple 2 lot structure, this includes a wide range of back office software capabilities in a single, consolidated framework
  • fully supported solutions for cloud, on-premise or hybrid systems
  • buying licences, with related associated services available
  • an evaluated pool of key suppliers allowing customers to drive cost reductions and increase value for money through healthy competition
  • the financial threshold has been reduced to under £5m for lot 2, helping small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
  • tender documents have been re-designed to be SME friendly
  • improved customer protection: core terms are now above supplier terms in order of priority, meaning that if there is a dispute core terms will be the primary consideration
  • public sector contracting terms and conditions create an easier, more flexible route to market, customisable to your specific operational needs
  • no maximum call-off length

Carbon Reduction

All suppliers for this agreement have committed to comply with the Procurement Policy Note 06/21: 'Taking account of Carbon Reduction Plans in the procurement of major government contracts' as required. If a supplier is required to publish a carbon reduction plan, you can find it on their individual supplier details page.

Products and suppliers

There are 97 suppliers on this agreement

Lot 1: Enterprise Software
This gives a route to market for high-value contracts worth more than £5 million.


30 suppliers

Lot 2: Specialist Software Solutions
SME friendly contracts that are worth less than £5 million.


92 suppliers

How to buy

You can buy from this agreement using direct award and further competition.

You can also use an Expression of Interest (EOI). This allows you to outline high-level requirements for your potential suppliers and to gauge their interest. You can use this at pre-market engagement, or to shortlist suppliers for further competition.

Direct award catalogue listings are available on the Government eMarketplace.

Sign up to the government eMarketplace.

Agreement pricing request

If you are looking for pricing information or to benchmark, plan or validate the information given to you by a supplier email us directly at Please include the following information:

  • quote RM6285 in the subject and title
  • state which lots you want pricing information for and for which supplier

The prices given do not include VAT. The prices for each good and service are the maximum price suppliers can ask for.

BOS2 offers the following pricing structures:

Lot 1

These are the minimum savings at each spending level and work for both direct award and further competition. These discounts only apply to lot 1 services and each supplier offers different discount rates. You will get bigger discounts when you spend more (value price breaks).

Lot 2

Framework pricing is evaluated using the skills framework for the information age (SFIA) day rates. These benchmark rates are available upon request and represent maximum prices only. Suppliers can offer more competitive rates for your further competition bids.
