Records Information Management, Digital Solutions and Associated Services

Gives all public sector organisations access to storage, scanning, shredding and disposal services. Also provides support with NHS clinic preparation and transition to digital solutions through digital workflow and cloud.


05/05/2021 – We awarded lot 5 on 23 March 2021. This lot will be live from 4 May 2021. For the remaining lots (1, 2, 3 and 4) we anticipate the award will be in Mid May.

28/05/2021 – Lots 1 to 4 have been awarded and are now live. We are working on adding the supplier contact details to Salesforce.


This is a UK wide agreement which will replace the records management lots (4, 5 and 6) within the current Multifunctional Devices, Managed Print and Content Services and Records and Information Management (RM3781). 

You can access services such as physical storage, scanning and shredding. This agreement also offers services to support you in the planning, design and change to digital record solutions using workflow and cloud.

You can also use interim technical resources to support your own internal resources when needed.

This agreement is for buyers who need support to:

  • reduce their number of stored physical records
  • start the change to either a partial or full digital records solution
  • achieve estate rationalisation or Government Hubs programmes (providing a network of modern, digitally enabled, shared workspaces for the UK civil service)
  • gain access to interim technical resources for example, security architects and project managers
  • transfer records under the Public Records Act 30/20 year rule
  • use an NHS clinic preparation service for NHS patient records

We also offer services specific for central government who need support with identifying, selecting and transferring records of historical importance under the Public Records Act.

This agreement will run for 4 years, however customer call off can be up to 7 years. The expiry date for all 5 lots will be 22 March 2025.


  • flexible route to market using further competition or direct award
  • new services to reduce your physical records and merge paper documents into digital workflows
  • new to market clinic reparation services specific for NHS patient records
  • cloud based hosting using Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) or Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and either through public, private or community cloud
  • services complement and support Government Hubs Programme and Estate Rationalisation Project(s)
  • uses the agreed Public Sector Contract (PSC) terms and conditions

Carbon Reduction

All suppliers for this agreement have committed to comply with the Procurement Policy Note 06/21: 'Taking account of Carbon Reduction Plans in the procurement of major government contracts' as required. If a supplier is required to publish a carbon reduction plan, you can find it on their individual supplier details page.

Products and suppliers

There are 8 suppliers on this agreement

Lot 1: Records Information Management Services
Provides Off Site storage of physical records as well as scanning, shredding destruction and disposal services and also helps buyers to transition from their current On Site service to an Off Site solution. Lot 1 is made up of 5 service lines (SL) these are:
  •       SL1: Off Site Records Information Management Service
  •       SL2: Off Site Storage of Inactive Records
  •       SL3: On and/or Off Site Secure Shredding, Destruction and Disposal Services
  •       SL4: On and/or Off Site Combined Records Information Management Services
  •       SL5: On and/or Off Site Scanning Services (this service line cannot be used in isolation)
Buyers can contract one or more of the service lines, except scanning services which is a support service for the other service lines.


4 suppliers

Lot 2: Digital Workflow, Cloud Based Hosting Solutions
Provides bespoke digital workflow solutions for example, document, content, records and workflow management and hybrid mail.  SaaS, PaaS and IaaS software solutions hosted in the Cloud supported by National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) principles.  Interim Technical Resources for example, fleet, technical and security architects along with scanning services. Lot 2 is made up of 4 service lines (SL) these are:
  •       SL1: Digital Workflow Solutions
  •       SL2: Cloud Based Hosting Service
  •       SL3: Scanning Services
  •       SL4: Interim Technical Resource
Buyers can contract one or more of the service lines


6 suppliers

Lot 3: Full Management of National Health Service (NHS) Patient Records (Off site)
Provides clinic preparation services involving preparing records for clinic, loose filing service (reuniting of loose paperwork with original notes), creation of new patient records along with storage, transportation (delivery/collection), sorting, scanning and shredding, destruction and disposal of records.  Also offers third party interim resources and an On Site managed service when needed. .  Services under this lot include:
  •       clinic preparation and management of NHS patient records
  •       digitisation (scanning) of patient records
  •       Off Site storage of patient records at supplier’s site(s)
  •       third party interim resources
  •       On Site managed service
  •       shredding, destruction and disposal (On and/or Off Site)
   Buyers can contract one of more of the service lines


5 suppliers

Lot 4: Specialist Records Management Services
Supports the Public Records Act under the 30/20 year rule requiring central government departments to identify records of historic value. Central government can use these services to identify, select, appraise and sensitivity review content before transferring them for permanent preservation at The National Archives or another approved place of deposit.  Lot 4 is made up of 5 service lines:
  •       SL1: Listing service
  •       SL2: Cataloguing service
  •       SL3: Appraisal and Selection service
  •       SL4: Sensitivity Review service
  •       SL5: Record Preparation service
 Buyers can contract one or more of the service lines


3 suppliers

Lot 5: Combined Digital Workflow, Cloud Based Hosting and Records Information Managemen
Services from lots 1 and  2 are combined enabling buyers to reduce existing physical paper records for example, by back scanning, and implementing their digital strategies by digitising records at source using workflow solutions through to hosting these records in the cloud. Lot 5 is made up of 8 service lines:
  • SL1: Digital Workflow Solutions
  • SL2: Cloud Based Hosting Services
  • SL3: Scanning Services
  • SL4: Interim Technical Resource
  • SL5: Off Site Records Information Management Service
  • SL6: Off Site Storage of Inactive Records
  • SL7: Secure Shredding, Destruction and Disposal Services
  • SL8: Off site and/or On Site Combined Records Information Management Services
Buyers can contract one or more service lines.


6 suppliers

How to buy

You can buy services under this agreement in two ways:

  • further competition
  • direct award.

You will need to complete Framework Schedule 6 (order form template, call-off and joint schedules) before taking part in either a further competition or direct award.

You can use our eSourcing tool to run your further competition or direct award.  If this is your first time using the eSourcing suite. You will need to register an account

If you have already registered, you can log into your eSourcing account.

You should check your own internal policies and processes to make sure they follow your standard operating procedures.

Further competition

To award a call-off contract through further competition you should:

  1. develop your specification and identify the suppliers who can meet your needs 
  2. use framework schedule 6 to refine your contract deliverables (what you need).
  3. develop your further competition award criteria 
  4. invite all identified suppliers to submit a tender in writing, this could be by email or through your preferred e-Sourcing tool (contact details for each supplier representative can be found in the Products and Suppliers section
  5. set a time limit for the submission of tenders, (take into account the time needed to create and submit tenders and the complexity of your needs)
  6. keep each tender confidential until the time limit set out for the return of tenders has ended
  7. apply your published award criteria to each submitted tender 
  8. award your call-off contract by sending a completed and signed framework schedule 6 to the successful supplier (this can be done electronically)
  9. provide unsuccessful suppliers with written feedback on why their tenders were unsuccessful
  10. publish your contract on contracts finder for transparency purposes

Direct award

To award a call-off contract through direct award you should:

  1. develop a clear specification of your needs
  2. use the Framework Schedule 7 Call Off Award Procedure (Annex A Direct Award Criteria) to establish your direct award criteria.
  3. award the call-off contract by sending a completed and signed framework schedule 6 to the successful supplier (this can be done electronically)

Specification and pricing

To access specifications and pricing models for this agreement, you will need to contact the CCS customer service centre. Note: the specifications and pricing model information is official-sensitive and will include a disclaimer for conditions of use.
